Category Archives: Doing life

Spring Joys!


The rising temperatures of spring bring bird song and light, changing our view to fresh green and bright color. Spring is a gift that still lightens our spirits, lightens our days and stirs us to brighten the world about us.

When I was very young, there was a great flurry of activity each spring. Windows where thrown open and cleaned. Draperies were changed, walls were washed and sometimes freshly painted, carpets were changed out and floors had the wax renewed. Everyone was energized, everything was lightened. 

Housekeeping customs have changed in many ways and I am grateful! But there is still that inner stirring, a nesting instinct, to clean, clean out, throw open the windows and to make things fresh; in our homes, our gardens, our wardrobes!  

But while we are lightening our homes, our wardrobe, our gardens – how about our dispositions? In the freshening, I find some dusty, actually rather grim and dirty attitudes lurking in the corners of my soul; petty things that had loomed so large in the shadowy light of the winter gloom. Now seen in the light of the Word, I find no use for them.  Now is the time to lighten up, to cast off negative attitudes and sing a new song of praise to our God.

LORD, shine the light of Your Word into every corner of my soul. Help me to let go of old ideas, grimy thoughts, and strongholds of judgments and other rotten sin that I may be found clean and pure and without spot or wrinkle or any other thing that displeases you. Let the fresh breath of Your Spirit blow through my attitudes changing and renewing my mind. Put a new song in my heart. And Lord Jesus, help me to see with fresh eyes the beauty of the colorful members of Your body.  Amen.


A door closes

My friend Mary has slipped through the door from this world. And I am left standing with her fingerprints still gently touching my soul. She was the best of mentors – real and kind yet challenging and our relationship slipped into the lovely friendship of kindred spirits. I learned so much from her. I am grateful for the memory of her voice, her shining eyes and ready smile, they still encourage me.

Pathways of choice

On a recent visit to Williamsburg, I noticed the variety of pathways. Some snapshots came tumbling out of my life box.


Once, I accompanied a little friend home from kindergarten. My memory of most of that event is dim. But I do remember the sidewalk. The surface was gone and we walked on loose pebbles close to a high hedge. I must have stayed for a while for I also remember a very tall man walking me back through the pebbles, past the school till I recognized my street and skipped home. I was not allowed to repeat my visit.

Older, I had a long walk home from school, usually alone. On sunny, hot days there was a decision to be made. Should I walk up the hill in the heat or cross to the shady side and risk being menaced by the collie dogs? When they were out, they ran along the top of a two foot high wall and barked shrilly in my ears causing me to tiptoe along the curbing and wait in dread for the cross light.

One last snapshot set from schooldays shows me, my little sister and another little girl waiting as the snow grew deeper and the busses fewer and more crowded. No room for three children. With no thought to ring the door bell at the school, I decided we would walk to my Grandparents home. After all, I had heard those tales of my parents walking home in all kinds of weather and although I had never done the walk, I thought I could find the way. Trudging on that very long, dark, cold and wet way, we were warmly greeted by a very surprised grandmother and taken to dry by the old coal cook stove. I, for one, was relieved to be “home”!

Life paths can be similar I think. Sometimes, I walk along anticipating adventure and fun but not paying any real attention to where the path will take me. Sometimes the way is known but seems fraught with distraction and danger. Life storms make me very uncomfortable and longing to arrive in safety and warmth and peace – home.

A welcoming light

Have you ever been drawn to a bright window on a dark night? On a recent drive home, I saw such a window and my glance took in the farm lamp suspended behind the lacy curtain which hung in slight disarray as if someone had been waiting there. Warmth radiated from that window, lighting a welcome and showing a path. I always want to have such a welcoming spirit in my life.

This is an early morning welcome with fresh coffee waiting. I’m glad you are here.


Dad’s Birthday

Memories drift across my mind and I hear my father’s voice in an exchange that often

came as I prepared to leave his home: “Thank you”, I would say. “Did you enjoy

yourself?” he would question. “Yes!” I would reply. Then he would say, “That’s all that

matters.” I realize now that this meant that all the planning, the work, the expense; it

was all worth it to him if we had enjoyed our visit and his provision.

Time has passed since those visits, by that flash of memory still questions me: Am I

enjoying life? Am I grateful for all that has been provided for my life?
