Category Archives: Country Living

Garden Tending

Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend it. Gen 2:15

Gardens and yards have always been in my memories. My first memory is of being in the back yard of my family’s first home. It must have been after a heavy rain for a rivalette of water had cut a path through the grass revealing tiny stones along its bank. A magic world opened before me.

I shared this memory with my older sister a while back musing over the tall tress that enclosed this private world. There was a long quiet while I looked back into that place. Finally she said, “You were very small, so I guess the trees would have seemed tall to you.”


And so they did! How glad I am for my memory with child-size rivers and rocks and grass to capture my young soul with wonder and beauty.

Years later I would listen to my mother refrer back to that yard in wonder – “You could grow anything there!” And the litany of flowers and Victory Garden offerings would follow. This, of course, was in contrast to the yard around us of hard clay. They worked and coaxed and composted and supplemented and tended. It was hard work but they persisted and were rewarded.

I now tend gardens, not everything I plant grows. Plants mysteriously disappear in winter, vacation somewhere and sometimes return years later having taken up residence in another part of the yard!

It is a wild place where we do battle with deer and racoons and rabbits and the occasional ground hog and thorns and thistles, too. But still we tend and the first harvest is a special delight even if it is only radishes!


Recently my friend took me to visit a secret garden and I was so delighted to visit this beautiful place tended with love. I’m glad I took my camera so that I could share a bit with you.

Poem thoughts

“My gentle Reader. I perceive

How patiently you’ve waited.

And now I fear that you expect

Some tale will be related.


O Reader! had you in your mind

Such stories as silent thought can bring,

O gentle Reader! you would find

A tale in everything.”

William Wordsworth

And dear reader, this expresses just what has happened – tales in everything, silent thoughts not written yet, but captured in the camera. Catbirds nesting in rhododendron, gardens after the long awaited rains, excursions, projects and surprises, too…

Gardening in the shade

I decided to work on a small bit of shade garden after realizing that ferns and hostas had been busy colonizing in my absence. I set about weeding, rearranging and mulching.


Suddenly I was surprised by sudden movement near my foot. The many years of country living have perfected my response – scream first – and then identify the intruder.

This time it was only toad, usually the unseen gardening partner. I finished and left him to his work.


I walked away feeling rather bad about screaming, it seemed to make him a bit glum.


Early morning wonders to behold!


Beauty today holds promise for the future harvest of cherries, blueberries, pears, apples and nuts.

The long nut catkins are a particular surprise this year, at long last we hope to sample the harvest of this tree… now, how to squirrel proof the harvest…or might deer eat them…the creatures here seem to think it our job to feed them continuously!

Like a magic trick!


I find it quite difficult to capture birds at the feeders on film. But I couldn’t resist trying to hold onto my surprise. The goldfinches stay all winter but the feathers are like olive drab uniforms as they stay undercover. Then the suddenly happens – and there he is in splendid color! So much wonder happens in spring. I want to clap and shout, “Bravo!”

Easter Bouquet


How I wish I could capture the scent of this shrub totally covered in bloom. I’ve not known many fragrances as intoxicating and lovely. I cannot help myself as I make many trips to drink in the heady scent heedless of any consequences!

For my gardening friends – viburnum carlesii – go quickly and find one to add to your gardens!

Spring Delights


My body is glad for my mind’s distractions giving a respite form raking, weeding, rock moving and transplanting. Even the glory of a common weed draws me.

Many years ago I received a spring greeting card with a lovely flower person. The caption remains with me – “Very few things can delight,” she realized, “like the fresh wonders of spring.” I agree!


My best observations are in the brilliant morning light making it so hard to pull on the gloves and get to work!


I’m so happy to share these fresh wonders with you!

Spring Traveling


Like this lovely blossom, I peered through my fence at the bigger world. Unlike the blossom my feet are free and off we went!


With the warmer weather this year, the gardens in Williamsburg were vibrant with spring.

Now I am racing to catch up in my own gardens after the wonderful time away.

A sweetness in late winter

Yesterday rain and fog gave way to wind and sun. I wandered out to make an insignificant start on yard cleanup. Pick-up-sticks. On the wind came such a sweet fragrance and took me by surprise. I looked around at bare branches, brown fallen leaves and faded grass and searched my mind for what was teasing me. I had forgotten. Really not surprising, this time of year my favorite garden activity is spent on catalogues and magazines, books and notepads and not rummaging around in small shaded corners. But there against a small wall was the heady fragrance – sweetbox.


Sarcococca hookeriana humilis is the proper name, if I recall correctly. Insignificant bloom tucked down in evergreen leaves giving off its prayer of sweet smelling fragrance.

That’s how I think of people of prayer, off in quiet, almost hidden places – at least in soul – giving of themselves in a sweet fragrance to God on behalf of others. And unlike me, He is always out and about so He turns and bends and looks for them and inhales deeply. (2 Chron 16:9)