Author Archives: Elaine

Willing work

” She is not afraid of snow for her household,

                                          for all her household is clothed with scarlet.”               Proverbs 31:21

It is almost tempting to search for scarlet clothing; instead, I take comfort in making stacks of firewood.

wood pile

These words from Melissa at The Inspired Room express my feelings so well about the beauty of wood piles: “Their quiet message is meaningful and even symbolic, reminding us it is time to settle in and provide a warm and safe place to nurture our families.”

Do visit Melissa as she shares her heart on home and loving fall this October.

Beautiful Sunday

Maple leaves

For the beauty of the earth,

     For the beauty of the skies,

For the Love which from our birth

   Over and around us lies:

Christ, our God, to Thee we raise

     This our Sacrifice of Praise.

                                                                    Folliott S. Pierpoint

Cloudy with a hope of change

Last night’s storm left a slow-to-lift cloud cover. Waiting in traffic, I watched it hovering behind the communication and power lines that cross here. I thought about how sometimes mental or emotional dark clouds seem to hang like a backdrop for life and communication.


As I drove on, I remembered that as a child, stories and poetry gave me the impression of softness and comfort in clouds and then how shocked I had been on my first plane ride through clouds to find them anything but! Turbulence is hidden within.


Those are not cotton balls! Unseen turbulence swirls in all the beauty. Unseen turbulence swirls on earth these days too. It is unsettling to say the least. For your life, I pray that the storms pass and you will see the earth is refreshed, the air is cleared, and a beautiful day awaits you.Clouds


October Days

There is something in October sets the gypsy blood astir;

We must rise and follow her,

When from every hill of flame

She calls and calls each vagabond by name.

                                              Bliss CarmanPasture

These days, it takes much longer for the morning dew and haze to lift from the valleys. This farm is across the road and we gladly wait our long turn at the traffic light to drink in the view.

Seed Time

calla lily I was given a pot of lovely calla lilies in the spring. When they finished blooming, I moved the foliage to a large pot outdoors and then remembered rhizomes I had saved from last year so I added them to the pot. It was rather late for them but they sent up leaves and two blooms. Usually, I am attentive to remove the faded blooms but these were forgotten, the pot drying and the older foliage withering away.

calla pot

It was a sad sight and I decided to move the pot away from our sitting area when a flash of color caught my eye. It is these tiny sightings that lead to amazing discoveries.

calla seeds Seeds! Seeds forming in the faded bloom! I had no idea of this. calla seeds I am learning about these seed kernels and waiting for them to ripen, turning yellow or orange. Each kernel will have 2-5 seeds. This one cone could yield 50 seeds!

I’m so glad now that I “neglected” these plants so that their amazing fruitfulness can be displayed.




Rest Stops

August was full of good things but they all came packaged in my busyness. After a brief rest,  I started back on the busy in a small garden space in need of attention. Once again, green stopped me for a moment to let me breathe in refreshing rest.

green moth

The lovely winged creature lingered and I found again the longing within to see deeply, resting in the beauty.

The living green of creatures and leaves and grass captures my soul as light dances over and through them.


A long ago shepherd boy understood and sang, “He makes me lie down in green pastures… He restores my soul”*. I hear the song in my own heart.

*Psalm 23


I think I’ll call her Goldie-locks

Her real name is Marigold. Youngish and still a bit skittish with strangers, our new Gran-pup came to visit with her mom and dad. Marigold was rescued a few months ago and then adopted into the family a few weeks ago. This is her first visit and we found her to be a lovely houseguest, quiet and polite. Isn’t she lovely? The sound of her nails on the floors brought back so many memories of our Ada and the silence when she had gone was loud.


August days bring parties and birthdays and here in the “land of pleasant living”, steamed blue crabs covered in seasoning are on the table. Smiles are on faces and warm memories are being made. I hope you are enjoying these last warm days of summer! IMG_3751