More and more I choose to appreciate simple things and then find they are not simple but intricate, complex, wondrous even.
The quick change of light at dawn and dusk creates a kind of magic across the landscape.
The wind blows where it will, now in the rustle of treetops, then down in the shrubbery and only sometimes playing the wind chime. There can be silence or bird chatter, cricket drone or the startling scream of a vixen in the night.
There are birds, bees,
moths and butterflies
to capture the attention.
As Robert Lewis Stevenson observed, “The world is so full of a number of things, I’m sure we should all be as happy as kings.” Or I, a queen! Early last Monday I gathered riches from the garden.
Simple, old fashioned flowers: hydrangea , spikes of hosta bloom, and a few day lilies became my treasure to be counted.
Each day brought change, of course. and the fun of the new look of things.
Day 5: Each daylily bloom had its day, each fairy bell of hosta too. The hydrangeas wilted with the heat so that by Day 6, my play was almost over.
We retreated to the cool of the house. And enjoyed each other’s company for another day.
This week starts fresh with a small posy for the kitchen table, promise of a delightful week. May your week be blessed with health, safety and beauty in abundance.