We didn’t go to the river park as much as we had hoped this fall. When the weather turned spring-like, we knew we must go right then. So we did! We stopped for sandwiches on the way for our lunch.
Our favorite table was out of the question with Mr. Wind raining leaves and acorns with great abandon. So we chose a lone table under a maple tree still holding on to a few leaves. After lunch and a bit of reading, the tree caught my interest. I realized what a sheltering presence it is, hosting a sapling deeply rooted between the two trunks.
Further up there were deep folds that might shelter a small bird in wind or rain or cold. Then even higher, a hole, probably made by a woodpecker which will surely be used by a squirrel or birds as a winter night bedroom.
Then, down at the ground, almost hidden by the leaves, I saw an entrance to a space… perhaps used by small creatures or perhaps by fairies…
We lingered through the afternoon finally leaving to enjoy the setting sun coloring the tree tops on our drive home.
A Pondering: Did you ever hear songbirds at night in the fall? I learned that most song birds that migrate, do so at night. Amazing! Navigation by sun and stars to places the newly fledged birds have never seen – and they go without a guide or map. Amazing!
I did not know that about song birds. I will have to go out after dark now and listen. When my brother-in-law, who is a bird watcher, was here he showed me where a woodpecker’s nest was high up in one of our trees–a hole pecked out in the soft trunk of a dying tree. I just read this morning that dead trees should be left for our feathered friends and other creatures, as long as they aren’t a danger to house or people. If so, cut them off at 6 feet. These dead trees are called snags.
Another thing I learned is that migration can start in the summer! Our hummingbirds are gone by September 10. The other day, I looked out and saw a Carolina Wren. Last year was the first year I saw them here and only in winter. So fun!