It was to be a quiet Christmas Day for two. We decided to splurge on the drive and spend time in the beauty of Longwood Gardens. We were a bit surprised at the number of folks with the same plan. From the voices traveling around us, many were far from homes in other countries.
It has been a number of years since we visited and always there are cameras. This year it seemed that at least half our fellow travelers were using other kinds of devices.
Progress into the conservatory was slow as so many groups and couples posed every few feet.
I had taken my camera so I was caught up in capturing everything I could see when I suddenly realized the camera was flashing its low battery signal.
And it came to me – my battery was low too and I needed to recharge: breathing fragrance, looking deeply into plants, enjoying the laughter, marveling at the gardeners work,
walking slowly, holding hands, watching sunlight fade and lights glow from trees
sharing dinner, walking in cold, crisp air, recharging, rejoicing!
We had seen stars shining, nature singing! Singing the praises of their Lord and Creator this Christmas Day! Joyous Holidays to you!