May Days

Rain and sun, a few hot days, but mostly a bit too cool for me. Ah, but the beauty that unfolds…

spring collage

And color comes back to visit…

Spring collage 2

Mystery and wonder abound!

Groundhog 2  Groundhog3

So, why did the groundhog climb the tree? This was the first time I have seen this in my own yard.

2 thoughts on “May Days

  1. Cathy

    Elaine, you peaked my curiosity. I found this in Wikipedia:
    “Despite their heavy-bodied appearance, groundhogs are accomplished swimmers and occasionally climb trees when escaping predators or when they want to survey their surroundings.” He must have wanted to get a better look at your pretty garden!

    1. Elaine Post author

      Ah no, Cathy. He was looking down over the hill toward the neighbor’s pond. Probably looking to see if the goat was in that part of the field. I sometimes see the ‘hog running up the hill from that direction.
      My nephew first alerted me to their prowess in tree climbing, but I forgot until that morning…

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