Winged news

The hummingbirds are back in town. I had great viewing of “Sit & Sip”. This photo is from her old album!

HummerThis time of year the chores are never ending. I try to pace myself through the gardens and wild spaces by plant emergence. I rounded the corner one morning and was shocked to find this mess:



Just a stumpy piece of wood sitting in the garden. I wondered… and today, I know for sure.

Pileated Woodpecker. Somehow I deleted the best photo of this amazing bird, but I’ll be on the watch now. We have a number of rotting stumps and slices from past tree removal so I know it will be back; I hope I’ll be ready for the photo op!

The work progresses:

   stump       stump



2 thoughts on “Winged news

  1. Cathy

    Ah, Elaine. Perhaps you’ve solved our mystery. We have a large dead tree in our woods that something has been “clawing” at that was too high off the ground to be a small animal. We were thinking it might be the bear that has visited our premises….but now I’m wondering if it’s the pilieated woodpecker I’ve often seen outside my window!

    1. Elaine Post author

      I had not seen one around here in years but then they are rather secretive! This piece of wood is not visible from inside the house and is actually rather hidden outside as well. My favorite on-line bird site says the give away are the large rectangular holes. Is that what you see on your tree?

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