August beauty begins with volunteers!


I am so grateful for the unplanned beauty that springs up in the summer garden.

My carefully chosen petunias from the garden center failed to thrive. But these impatiens have sprung up in their varied shades reminding me of gardens past and pulling color into my days. I’ve learned to look for the little seedlings and move some from harm’s way but most are just where they planted themselves.

My mother grew these in her gardens and I remember how the grandchildren loved the fun of the seed pods. A little push on a ripening one and it would burst open, seeds scattering!

Some years I have planted them in my own garden and while they will seed themselves, I can never resist popping a pod or two. Then I forget them until another summer comes and flowers surprise me with lovely color tucked into places I would not plant.

I love that my life can be like that too. My carefully chosen plans can fail to thrive, but then…the wonderful color and life that can spring up in unexpected places. Sometimes I just need eyes to see the seedlings, patience to see the blooms, and trust in the scattering of seeds.